Lecture „Narrative scopes. Cross-media research of narratives in the Middle Ages with ONAMA“ at the DHd2020 in Paderborn

Peter Hinkelmanns, Miriam Landkammer, Isabella Nicka and Manuel Schwembacher presented the project with their lecture „Narrative scopes. Cross-media research of narratives in the Middle Ages with ONAMA“ at the DHd 2020 – „Spielräume. Digital Humanities between modelling and interpretation“. 7th Annual Conference of the Digital Humanities Association in the German-speaking world, University of Paderborn, 06/03/2020.

Slides|Graph (Visualisation of the query Search narratives in which an animal brings something to a person/group)

Abstract: Peter Hinkelmanns, Miriam Landkammer, Isabella Nicka, Manuel Schwembacher, Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer: Erzählerische Spielräume. Medienübergreifende Erforschung von Narrativen im Mittelalter mit ONAMA, in: Christof Schöch (Hrsg.): Abstracts zur 7. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. in Paderborn, S. 131–135, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3666690