- A wolf returning a stolen pig to a poor woman.
ONAMA Realisation Q1314 of the ONAMA Concept Q1310
Panel from a cycle with scenes from the legend of St. Blaise, Detail. Ca. 1480/90, Filialkirche St. Blasius, Kaufbeuren. - Jason accomplishes tasks to obtain the Golden Fleece.
Realisation of the ONAMA-Concepts Q447; Q448; Q463.
Biagio d‘Antonio Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts, detail. Around 1465,Metropolitan Museum, New York. - The oxen bring the body of James the Great to Queen Lupa by themselves.
ONAMA Realisation Q1293 of the ONAMA Concept Q1291.
Panel from a winged altarpiece showing the legend of St James the Great, detail. Ca. 1480, Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom. - Pelias tasks Jason with the Quest for the Golden Fleece.
Realisation of the ONAMA-Concepts Q153 and Q159.
Jacopo del Sellaio Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts, detail. Around 1465, Metropolitan Museum, New York. - Jason is rounding up adventurers to join him on the Quest of the Golden Fleece.
Realisation of the ONAMA-Concepts Q163 and Q847.
Jacopo del Sellaio Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts, detail. Around 1465, Metropolitan Museum, New York. - Hunters find St. Blaise, with subplot: Wounded unicorn joins St. Blaise.
ONAMA Realisations Q1042 and Q1644 of the ONAMA Concepts Q1041 and Q1642.
Panel from a cycle with scenes from the legend of St. Blaise, Detail. Ca. 1480/90, Filialkirche St. Blasius, Kaufbeuren.
Using the 'ONAMA query', a number of exemplary narratives can be found which illustrate how the ontology works. These narratives essentially revolve around two thematic focuses, which are often present in medieval literature and visual art. These are, on the one hand, the Story of Jason and the Argonauts with the Quest for the Golden Fleece, anchored in the context of the Trojan War; and on the other hand, narratives about Fighting with or Taming wild Animals.
The data on the Argonaut saga are based on the pictorial realisations in Codex 2773 of the Austrian National Library, a German-language adaptation of Guido de Columnis Historia destructionis Troiae with opulent miniatures by Martinus Opifex (c. 1450), and on the textual realisations in two romances, the Liet von Troye by Herbort von Fritzlâr (c. 1190) and Der Trojanische Krieg by Konrad von Würzburg (c. 1280).
The thematic area Fighting with or Taming wild Animals offers exciting, multifaceted realisations that span across texts from MHDBDB and images from REALonline. In connection with this theme are a number of recorded narratives that go beyond medieval literature and are taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, concerning the dragon Smaug.